Durao Barroso to tackle climate change

State-protected energy markets on the continent are to be liberalised by the European Commission to combat climate change and stem the growing influence of Russia.
The move is the top priority of EC President Jose Manuel Barroso. France, Germany and much of Scandanavia are closed to overseas energy firms, although the UK has long allowed foreign companies to operate here.
Sources close to Barroso expect significant progress after next spring's French presidential elections. Writing exclusively in The Observer, Barroso makes clear that 'open markets, not narrow nationalism, are the way to energy security and sustainability'.
Prising open Europe's protected energy markets, argues the Commission, is the best way to reduce the influence of Russia, which is on course to supply most of Europe's gas. 'Europe has to speak with one voice so it is not picked off,' said a senior Commission official.
A liberalised market, believes Barroso, will enable the Commission to drive through energy efficiency measures and roll out renewable technologies in a bid to combat climate change.
The EU has been criticised for failing to take a lead on the issue but a slew of statements over the next six months will aim to redress this. Barroso accepts much of the UK Treasury-commissioned Stern report on the economics of climate change and aims to place Europe at the forefront of efforts to reduce emissions.
This week the EU will reveal allocations for the next phase of the Europe-wide greenhouse gas emissions trading, a market worth ¤12bn (£8.1bn) and covering 11,000 installations throughout Europe. It is determined to issue less generous allocations to countries after criticism that the scheme was failing to achieve its target.
The EU is keen to include airlines in the scheme but does not want to put them at a commercial disadvantage with US carriers, which received huge federal subsidies after the 9/11 terrorist attacks.
The Commission is considering bringing individual car drivers into the scheme, giving people a personal carbon allowance to buy or sell. It also wants to take forward a ¤2.5bn European Institute to partner universities and private sector firms exploring new, clean technologies.
Source: The Guardian

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