USA: Siemens in 'clean' power deal

Siemens Power Generation (PG) group has been awarded a major contract to supply key equipment for a new coal-fired power station in West Virginia, US.

By using the most advanced technologies, with so-called ultra-supercritical steam conditions, the project will be one of the cleanest and most efficient coal-fired power plants in the US. The purchaser is Longview, Power LLC, a subsidiary of GenPower. The total consortium order volume is over $1 billion, with the Siemens portion being over $405 million.

"Today, coal-generated electricity represents more than 50 per cent of the generation capacity in the US and 40 per cent globally, and will continue to be an important fuel in the overall mix," said president and CEO of Siemens Power Generation and member of the PG Group Executive Management Randy Zwirn.

"The Longview project demonstrates that coal-based generation utilising highly efficient energy conversion technology and advanced emission controls can be compatible with the environment," Zwirn added.

Site construction is scheduled to begin in February 2007. Operation is slated for early 2011. The project of Longview Power, LLC represents one of the largest private investments in West Virginia. Longview will be a state of the art facility producing almost 700 MW of clean, coal-fired energy to the region.


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