[AFRICA] Anadarko, Artumas ready Rovuma survey

Anadarko Petroleum and partner Artumas Group of Calgary will by the third-quarter of 2008 know whether their 3,560-square-kilometre seismic program onshore and offshore Mozambique is flush with prospects, and the growing number of area oil companies suggests it is.

The two companies, a junior from Calgary and its senior American survey partner, are refocusing a joint seismic program in the Rovuma block, part of Tanzania and Mozambique’s sea and land Rovuma Basin. The area was written up in “The Last Basin”, a feature in Scandoil affilate Scandinaviani Oil-Gas Magazine.

It is understood that Artumas is eying a key piece of 560 km onshore line data from Mozambique, but will benefit from Anadarko’ 3300 sq. km. 3-D survey offshore in May.

Exploration drilling is hoped for by mid-2009. Artumas will also follow up a “2D” survey in its producing Mnazi Bay field license with 3D expected to show the breadth of its successful Tanzanian work.AFRICA: Anadarko, Artumas ready Rovuma survey

Source: Scandinavian Oil & Gas

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