TECHNOLOGY: Steorn, is a new Technology, is a great fake or just a terrific marketing ? [VIDEO], by Manuel Torres Laveaga

Did you remember the irish held technology development company named ORBO ? who affirm to have discovered new technic to produce energy. in the last update about Steorn technology, was just to announced a BIG ¨excuse¨. Well, the ¨technic¨is not ready, YET. For everybody around the energy community have the same adjetive: deception.

Steorn promised to demonstrate its
"Orbo" perpetual energy machine at the Kinentica art museum in London, but this was at first delayed, due to technical problems, and then postponed.

I just ASK u :
Steorn, is a new Technology, is a great fake or just a terrific marketing ?

Check the next VIDEO:

by Manuel Torres Laveaga