GERMANY: Goodbye Gasoline [video]

Saxony-Anhalt is one of Germany’s principal energy providers. Despite the extensive adjustment process of the last decade, brown coal remains the most important source of energy extracted there, followed by natural gas. Renewable energy has also gained a foothold, and promises considerable development potential.

None of these individual goals is given absolute priority; it is only by pursuing all three objectives vigorously that the conditions will be created in the medium to long term which enable Saxony-Anhalt to expand into a high-performance energy centre catering successfully for the needs of the industry and medium-sized enterprises locating there.

Demand for biofuel is soaring, which is good news for sugar beet farmers in Germany. European officials want to replace 10 percent of transport fuel with biofuel by the year 2020. Watch the video for a look at a new biofuel processing plant in Saxony Anhalt.