OiL PRICES: WTI crude may hit $90. Yomhūrī-ye Eslāmī-ye Īrān

An Iranian oil official has predicted that the price of WTI could reach around $90 per barrel if the US dollar continued to decline.

An Iranian oil official has predicted that the price of WTI could reach around $90 per barrel if the US dollar continued to decline.

"If the value of the dollar continues to drop, the price of the West Texas Intermediate is likely to reach about $90 in three months (by December)," said Hojjatollah Ghanimifard, International Affairs Director of the National Iranian Oil Company.

WTI crude slipped $1.22 on Friday to $81.66 per barrel as traders took profits from near record prices and as worries lingered about a slowdown in the US economy.

Via: PressTV
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