RUSSIA: Iranian official, Russian Bushehr Plant contractor hold talks

First day of talks between Deputy International Affairs Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran and Russian contractor in charge of constructing Iran's Bushehr Nuclear Plant, Atomstroiexport ended Wednesday night.

No news was announced after the end of the five-hour talks between the Iranian official, Mohammad Saeidi and Head of the Russian company, ergei Shematco, that were focused on financial and technical aspects of the lingering construction of Bushehr Power Plant.

The talks were held in the presence of the two countries' technicians and financial affairs experts and are expected to continue on Thursday and Friday.

The talks were held behind closed doors and in the absence of the media representatives at the Head Office of Atomstroiexport Company and both sides refrained from revealing any news on their details.

In accordance with talks agenda, the two sides are expected to sign a new agreement as an appendix to the initial contract if they reach a final agreement during these talks.

Atomexport officials had a while ago announced they would delay their completion of Bushehr Plant due to Iran's not meeting its financial commitments in recent months.

Deputy Head of Atomic Energy Organization of Iran, too, while ruling out Atomexport's claim in that regard announced that Iran has so far very properly met all its financial commitments regarding the construction of Bushehr Nuclear Plant, and is determined to keep doing so in the future.

All the same, the Russian company maintained its claim, using it as a new pretext for another probable delay in putting to use the first phase of Iran's first nuclear power plant in late Summer of 2007, and delivery of its first shipment of nuclear fuel during this month.

Both Iranian and Russian officials have ruled out politicizing of the construction of Bushehr Plant, expressing hope that the newly emerged dispute would be solved in due time to rule out the possibility of any more delays in putting the power plant to use.


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