IRAN: Peace pipeline a new chapter in Iran, Indian subcontinent relations. Mottaki

Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki in meeting with India's Minister without Portfolio in Foreign Relations Ahmed Vazir here Wednesday underlined that construction of the peace pipeline is a new chapter in Iran and Indian subcontinent relations.

According to Foreign Ministry Media Department, Mottaki by explaining the works done in the field of Iran's gas transfer to India, said " By holding trilateral summit between Iran, Pakistan and India, a new chapter of relations will begin between Iran and the Indian subcontinet."

Referring to the cooperation grounds in the fields of exporting engineering and technical services, private sector activity, energy and other grounds, Mottaki called them appropriate factors to facilitate the bilateral ties.

India's minister without portfolio evaluated bilateral ties 'positive' and said Iran-India economic cooperation, especially in the fields of energy, transportation, engineering and technical services are progressing.

He also expressed hope that by taking some effective approaches the private sectors of both countries can find an appropriate ground for attending joint activities.


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