IRAN - RUSSIA: Power Plant, to resume talks over Bushehr power plant Monday

Iran and Russia will resume their third round of talks on financial problem of Bushehr power plant, in southern Iranian Bushehr province, in Tehran on Monday. The talks will be attended by delegations from Iran's Atomic Energy Organization (IAEO) and the Russian state-owned nuclear contractor Atomstroiexport.

The Russian side in a report said on Saturday that a delegation comprising Atomstroiexport's experts, headed by its director Vladimir Pavlov, would leave Moscow for Tehran Sunday afternoon.

Pavlov expressed hope the sides would reach an agreement on financing issues pertaining to completion of the power plant.

Atomstroiexport's spokeswoman Irina Esipova has earlier told IRNA that financial issues were the mere problem in the way of completion of Bushehr power plant, adding the project's construction will run its due course by settling the problem.

She added that during the third round of talks between Tehran and Moscow, the sides would discuss regular and sufficient financing of the power plant by Iran.

Bushehr power plant is to start its experimental operation in September, 2007 and will be inaugurated in November, 2007 but following financial problems cited by the Russian contractor, a delay may occur in the plan.

Atomstroiexport started construction of the first nuclear power plant in Iran's Bushehr city on January 8, 1995.

The Russian company had earlier claimed that it could not complete the project on its due time given that Iran had not complied with its financial commitments on time. Dismissing claims by the Russian contractor, the IAEO declared that it had fulfilled its commitments according to the schedule.

The first and second rounds of talks between Iran and Russia on financial issues of Bushehr power plant were held on March 7-9 and March 16-20 in Moscow and Tehran, respectively.